CANNACURE is a unique leaf nutrient that prevents and controls plant pests and mildew. It’s environmentally friendly and free of toxins. CANNACURE ensures healthier plants, bigger flowers and increased yields.
The Natural Way to Control Pests
Mildew, whitefly, aphids, spider mites, mealybugs… The world is full of diseases, pests, and parasites looking for an opportunity to infest your plants and ruin your crop. Of course, you want to protect your plants in the best way possible. But how? Harsh chemical pesticides may get the job done, but they pollute the environment and poison your flowers and fruits. But on the whole, the more traditional disease and pest control methods don’t work well enough.
CANNACURE is a product that has it all. Environmentally friendly, this product eliminates pests and mildew while stimulating growth andblooming.
CANNACURE is CANNA’s first plant pest and disease controller. Developed by CANNA Research Laboratories, it’s unlike any other plant protection product because it’s also a leaf nutrient. It ensures healthier plants, which can concentrate on producing big flowers and bigger yields. But it’s not only CANNA’s scientists who are convinced of the quality of the product. Since it was introduced, it has won the praise of many growers.
How does it work?
When you spray CANNACURE, it forms a second natural ‘skin’ on your plants. This layer improves leaf colour and vigour and while ensuring that the plants can still breathe. It makes them healthy, shiny and clean, enabling optimal photosynthesis. This gives the plants the chance to focus on flowering.
Also, any plant pests will get stuck to the sticky layer, so they won’t have the chance to damage the leaves. Eventually, the pests will starve to death. Combined with other CANNA nutrients and additives, CANNACURE will help your plants resist any future infestations and diseases.
How to use CANNACURE?
CANNACURE must be applied thoroughly on both sides of the leaves. Use CANNACURE once a week as a preventive measure to make sure that plant pests cannot attack the leaves. If you have a heavy infestation of mildew, whitefly, spider mites or mealy bugs, for example, spray every three days and repeat, if necessary, after a further three days. Then continue spraying weekly as normal.
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